Radio station memory preset LINCOLN AVIATOR 2003 Owners Manual

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If the volume is set above a certain level and the ignition is turned off,
the volume will come back on at a “nominal” listening level when the
ignition switch is turned back on.
Audio power can also be turned on by pressing the AM/FM select control
or the TAPE/CD select control.
Speed sensitive volume
With this feature, radio volume automatically changes slightly with
vehicle speed to compensate for road and wind noise.
The recommended level for speed sensitive volume is from level 1
through level 3. Level 0 turns the speed sensitive volume off and level 7
is the maximum setting.
With the radio on, press and hold
the volume control for five seconds,
until the display reads SPEED VOL,
then press:

to increase volume

to decrease or shut off the
volume compensation
AM/FM select
The AM/FM select control works in
radio, tape and CD modes.
AM/FM select in radio mode
This control allows you to select AM or FM frequency bands. Press the
control to switch between AM, FM1 or FM2 memory preset stations.
AM/FM select in tape mode
Press this control to stop tape play and begin radio play.
Tune adjust
The tune control works in radio mode.
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Scan function in tape mode
Press the SCAN control to hear a short sampling of all selections on the
tape. (The tape scans in a forward direction. At the end of the tape’s
first side, direction automatically reverses to the opposite side of the
tape.) To stop on a particular selection, press the control again.
Scan function in CD mode
Press the SCAN control to hear a short sampling of all selections on the
CD. (The CD scans in a forward direction, wrapping back to the first
track at the end of the CD.) To stop on a particular selection, press the
control again.
Radio station memory preset
The radio is equipped with six station memory preset controls. These
controls can be used to select upto six preset AM stations and twelve
FM stations (six in FM1 and six in FM2).
Setting memory preset stations
1. Select the frequency band with
the AM/FM select control.
2. Select a station. Refer toTune
adjustorSeek functionfor more information on selecting a station.
3. Press and hold a memory preset control until the sound returns,
indicating the station is held in memory of the control you selected.
Autoset memory preset
Autoset allows you to set strong radio stations without losing your
original manually set preset stations. This feature is helpful on trips
when you travel between cities with different radio stations.
Starting autoset memory preset
1. Select a frequency using the AM/FM select controls.
2. Press the control.
3. When the first six strong stations
are filled, the station stored in
memory preset control 1 will start
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The recommended level for speed sensitive volume is from level 1
through level 3. Level 0 turns the speed sensitive volume off and level 7
is the maximum setting.
To engage the speed sensitive
volume feature, press and hold the
volume control for five seconds
(with the radio on), then press:

to increase volume

to decrease or shut off the
volume compensation.
The selected level will appear in the
AM/FM select
The AM/FM select control works in
radio and CD modes.
AM/FM select in radio mode
This control allows you to select AM or FM frequency bands. Press the
control to switch between AM, FM1 or FM2 memory preset stations.
AM/FM select in CD mode
Press this control to stop CD play and begin radio play.
Tune/disc adjust
The tune control works in radio or CD mode.
Tune adjust in radio mode
to move to the next
frequency down the band
(whether or not a listenable
station is located there). Hold the control to move through the
frequencies quickly.
to move to the next frequency upthe band (whether or not
a listenable station is located there). Hold for quick movement.
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Scan function in CD mode
Press the SCAN control to hear a short sampling of all selections on the
CD. (The CD scans in a forward direction, wrapping back to the first
track at the end of the CD.) To stop on a particular selection, press the
control again.
Radio station memory preset
The radio is equipped with six station memory preset controls. These
controls can be used to select upto six preset AM stations and twelve
FM stations (six in FM1 and six in FM2).
Setting memory preset stations
1. Select the frequency band with the AM/FM select control. Press the
AM/FM control to toggle between AM, FM1, or FM2.
2. Press the SEEK control to access the next listenable station upor
down the frequency band. Press the TUNE control to go upor down the
listening band in individual increments.
3. Select a station. Refer toSeek functionfor more information on
selecting a station.
4. Press and hold a memory preset control. The playing media will mute
momentarily. When the sound returns, the station is held in memory on
the control you selected. The display will read SAVED.
Autostore allows you to set the strongest local radio stations without
losing your original manually set preset stations. This feature is helpful
on trips when you travel between cities with different radio stations.
Starting autostore
1. Press and momentarily hold the AM/FM control.
2. AUTOSET will flash in the display
as the frequency band is scrolled
3. When the six strongest stations are filled, the station stored in
memory preset control 1 will start playing.
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If there are fewer than six strong stations available on the frequency
band, the remaining memory preset controls will all store the last strong
station available.
To deactivate autoset and return to your audio system’s manually set
memory stations, press the AM/FM control again.
CD select
CD mode may be entered by
pressing the CD control. The first
track of the disc will begin playing.
After that, CD play will begin where
it stopped last.
If an alternative CD is desired, press the corresponding preset control
(1–6) of a loaded CD, or press the TUNE control to access the other
loaded CDs.
NO CD will display if the CD control is activated when there is not a CD
present in the audio system.
If the CD control is pressed followed by with a preset number and that
particular slot is empty, NO CD will display and the system will begin to
play the next available disc.
Display description
Six circles are always lit in the digital display. These signify the six CD
slots in the audio system. When a disc is loaded into a particular slot
(1–6), the number inside that specific circle lights. If the circle is empty,
there is no CD in that particular slot.
The load feature allows you to load
single CDs into the player internal
to the radio.
This six discCD player is equipped with a CD door. Compact
discs should only be inserted into the player after the CD door
has been opened by the player. Do not attempt to force the door
open. Compact discs should only be loaded by pressing the LOAD
Press the LOAD control. (You can choose which slot will be loaded by
pressing the desired preset number. If you do not choose a slot, the
system will choose the next available one.) Wait until the CD door opens.
Load the CD into the player. LOADING CD# is displayed. When the CD
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